I was browsing on Amazon for a birthday gift for Hazel's friend, and was seduced by the rave reviews and perfect price tag ($10.50) this little set offered. So we got one for her friend. And another set for us.
It is the BEST summer toy, and here's why:
- Kid-powered (no batteries)
- Requires turn-taking but turns are very quick
- Fun for all ages (Poppy can put the rocket on by herself and we help her jump or sit on the stomper to send it flying - gratuitous giggles ensue)
- Can play alone or with others (it's fun to try to catch the rocket when you're waiting for your turn)
- Inherent but unmeasurable competition
- Active!
- Babies like to chew on the rockets (so what else is new)
- The stand sometimes comes apart if it gets knocked or jumped on - an adult has to put it back together
- The rockets sometimes get stuck in nearby trees, but that offers its own fun trying to get it down (Dads love to get involved in this manly challenge)
- Babies crawling too close to the stomper may get knocked down by heaven-gazers trying to catch the rockets (whoops)
So if you've got a space for stomping, I'd say go get you one. Unless your kid has a summer birthday and will be inviting my kid to the party...because I'm pretty sure this is our new favorite gift.
And here's a cute picture of Ginger climbing the tree the HOA says we're not allowed to climb. I am training them early to defy authority.
I think a couple sets should come to the family reunion
Great action shots!! Especially the one with the rocket just leaving. This is a great find!
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