
Friday, August 30, 2013

PeeWees: King Bidgood's in the Bathtub (week 2)

From PeeWee mom Shaunel...

Today's vision was to travel through each of the things the King does in the bathtub. The Knight invites him to "get out" because "it's time to battle"--to which the king says, "Come in.... today we battle in the tub!"
The Queen invites him to lunch; the Duke invited him to fish; and the entire Court invites him to a masquerade ball. Each activity then occurs in the tub, until the Page pulls the plug. My Aunt also joined us (visiting from PA), and was fabulous to watch Allie when she woke up from her nap!

Open Play:  We started with a bubble battle outside. The goal was to pop everyone else's bubbles. Poppy was really the only one who cared--all the boys seemed to just want to blow as many bubbles as possible.

Activity 1:  We then headed inside to create mega-block forts around toy animals. Each kid got 5 animals to stand up (the animals could not be laying flat), and then they needed to protect them by building a mega-block wall. When everyone was ready we tried to knock down each other's forts with newspaper balls. Bodie and Poppy totally got this and had completely solid forts. It was hard to knock down Poppy's with our feet. Jackson and Henry seemed to be more focused on aesthetics. It was pretty fun to try and come up with ways for the Pee Wee's to "battle" without fighting.

Circle Time: During circle time we did the normals, abc's, counting fish, and reading the book. I am proud to say that 14 and 15 both came out of Jackson's mouth.

Snack:  We had cupcakes, pears and grapes today as we lunched. Jackson was thrilled to be able sing Happy Birthday to himself.

Activity 2:  We then listened to the sung version (via cassette tape) of King Bidgood's in the Bathtub, compliments of my aunt. The kids loved it.

Activity 3:  Next, we decorated fish and put a paper clip on them. I stuck the fish in a bucket in the tub and the kids took turns "fishing" with magnetic fishing poles. On the back of each fish I had written a little activity for the kids to do (10 jumps, sing twinkle, find and touch a rectangle, etc). It was a little crazy with all the super active activities in between. Henry was by far the best fisher.

Art:  We went down stairs to make masks. Good old water colors--well loved by the peewees.

We had a bathroom break, and then read our story and chanted goodbye. We ended with more bubbling outside.

Fun day!

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