
Friday, August 30, 2013

PeeWees: King Bidgood's in the Bathtub (week 1)

From PeeWee mom Shaunel...
We had a perfect weather day for our exciting water activities that were planned.
Synopsis: King Bidgood's in the Bathtub is about a King who will not get out of the bathtub. The duke, Knight, Queen and Court all try to convince him with the activities he could be doing throughout the day (battle, fishing, lunch,) only to have the king say, "Today with lunch in the tub!" etc.  The pictures are the best part.
Open Play: We started the day by discovering what sinks and floats in the tub. Super fun, the kids would have thrown things into the water all day long-- though maintaining some sort of dry clothes would not have occurred.
Circle Time:  We then went in for circle time and left our items to dry. After standup, we found letters on the cover of the book before making our bodies into bubbles as we sang the ABC's. We then counted bubbles (which was definitely difficult, but it meant we just kept re-counting). Henry and Bodie can successfully get through 14 and 15! Good work boys.
We then read the book. Jackson was so beside himself with excitement. Oh my, energy!
Snack:  During the book we identified some food they had while lunching in the tub. Cake and grapes. Easy enough, especially with a Poppy birthday to celebrate.
Activity 1:  We danced to "Splish Splash" as a energy release--and managed at least one head bump.

Activity 2:  We then made our crowns. The kids caught on, and were extremely enthusiastic about this part. I tried to warn Bodie about the difficulties of decorating a black crown, but he was insistent. He also was not interested in wearing it. So, we'll let him be the Duke :) The others seem to really enjoy the power of a crown.
Activity 3:  We then tried to act it out--but this was a bit of a failure. Just a little too much energy (thank you Jackson).  The kids did remember most of the lines, and enjoyed getting in and out of the bathtub. We'll revisit this next week.
Activity 4:  Outside we went to bring water from the bottom of the play set, up to King Bidgood's bathtub [aka, buzz lightyear in a bucket]. The Paige does this on the first page. We were trying to get enough water for the king to start floating. We got close, but had to take a bathroom run and started getting a bit distracted before he was completely comfortable.

We went back inside for a re-read, (which they were totally reciting the book by this point) and our goodbye song.

We ended with bubbles, but since I misplaced the bubbles from earlier I was short one, and all mayhem broke loose. Luckily we all survived, even Allie who was not missing out on this party!
Fun day. Definitely check out the "Woods" section at the library. They collaborated (husband and wife) on a number of books including "The Napping House," "The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear" and "Heckedy Peg." Love their stuff!

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