
Thursday, July 11, 2013

SFC #3 and #4 Letters and Parfaits (2013)

The plan for Wednesday this week was to go to swim lessons, haircuts, lunch, then write letters for Summer Fun Club.  However, our stylist called to change our hair appointment to 2pm, so we shuffled.  Luckily, amazingly, the activity was portable.  Before leaving for haircuts, I had the girls pack pens, crayons, paper, cards, envelopes, and clipboards in a tote bag, and we were off.  I was going to make them write to their missionary cousin and/or grandparents, but it was a bit...hectic, at the salon, so they could write to whomever they wanted.  It gave them something to do while waiting, was the main thing. 

Addresses and stamps when we got home, and bam, keeping the USPS in business.

Thursday was Ginger's cooking day, and she had placed pudding parfaits on the menu for dessert.  Perfect, ready-made SFC activity, that is.  I think they remembered it from last year

Ingredients: vanilla pudding (everyone gets to stir for 1 1/2 minutes), sliced bananas, Cool Whip, sliced strawberries, cookie crumbs for the top.  And of course the cool parfait cups I got on clearance at Crate & Barrel after Christmas last year.  

They were just the thing to finish Ginger's chicken taco dinner, and she was beaming with pride.  I myself have been so exhausted at the end of each day this week, it's lucky breathing is reflexive, or I might forget to make the effort.  But the girls are having a great time. 

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