
Monday, July 09, 2012

Summer Fun Club 6 and 7...and other happenings last week

 We were QUITE put out, literally, during our three-day power outage in record heat last week.  Man.  I feel like we (I) are (am) still recovering, a week later.  Summer Fun Club took a hit last week as well, but even though we were essentially homeless, I still really wanted to take advantage of our pre-4th window to do some patriotic SFC activities.

6 - Last Monday we spent all afternoon at our friends' house, after a trip to emergency-lit-only Home Depot to pick up a stack of freebie paint chips.  They fed us lunch, let us nap & play, hosted us in their inflatable pools late in the afternoon, AND fed us dinner, which is about the time I got the text from my neighbor our power was back on.  What friends!  Including them in our 4th of July paint chip garland activity was the least we could do.  

For detailed instructions, see this Easter garland post.  Obviously adaptable to any holiday or color scheme.  This time we used star, circle, and butterfly shapes.

7 -  So glad our power was back just in time to make our annual 4th of July sugar cookies on the 3rd!

This time WE hosted some OTHER friends whose power was STILL out.  What a crazy week it was.

 After the cookies were all baked, glazed, sprinkled half to death, packed up, and our friends off on their way, the girls settled in for a good solid play with the Little People Nativity set, which I had gotten out over the weekend to use the sheep in my Primary lesson, and hadn't packed away yet.  There's nothing like Christmas in July.

The rest of the week, SFC was a wash.  Wednesday, obviously, was the 4th.  Church pancake breakfast, neighborhood parade, naps, ice cream social at our neighbors' house, dinner out at Cafe Rio - our first venture to the newly opened Utahn institution-, and fireworks at the Washington Golf and Country Club left time for little else that day. 

Thursday the 5th, I had a little art activity planned for the afternoon, but by lunchtime I could tell Ginger was super tired from the night before, so I put her down for a nap same time as Poppy.  When I came down to talk to Hazel about the afternoon, I found her conked out on the sofa.  Just as well because I was taking dinner to a friend (that I hadn't started cooking yet), and also needed to start some serious cleaning for the next baby-shower-of-the-century I was hosting on Saturday.

Friday, I also had an activity planned, but when the afternoon rolled around, I saw I was in serious trouble for getting the house ready for the shower the next morning.  The girls were so enraptured in the decorating and set-up, however, that they willingly gave up SFC in order to help me get things ready.  

I didn't make the diaper cakes, but they were such pretty centerpieces I had to show a picture anyway!
 While I'm at it, here are just a few pics of the shower - it was a pancake party!  We had three kinds of pancakes, and multiple toppings, including homemade freezer jams, root beer syrup, and vanilla-pear sauce.  I think my favorite combo was Nutella swirl pancakes spread with chocolate ganache and drizzled with root beer syrup...I digress.

My POINT (yes, I have one) is that even though we only "met" twice last week, we are still having a super fun summer.  And we're back on track, pretty much, for our regular meetings this week.  I have so many activity ideas, we don't have enough days for them all!  So I am choosing carefully, and we'll just save the rest for fall break.

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