
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Road Trippin'

Last weekend we went to visit my sister's family in Vermont.  We try to go every winter, in the hopes of at least one chance to ski each year.  Plus it is serious cousin time.

Last year I had such a horrible time with Poppy up there - she got carsick on the way up, then screamed all night every night - that I vowed to never travel with her until she was at least three.  But she's come a long way in a year, and she was up for it; we all were.  And it all went fine. 

I'm going to write about our time there, but first a word about road trippin'.  It can be a beast.  Better than airplanes because you have more space, and no strangers to worry about.  But it's long.  Usually 10 hours each way, though we made slightly better time. 

I started prepping early by collecting or inventing activities the kids have never seen, or not in a long time.  I borrowed all-new (to us) DVD's from a friend's extensive library (and now the girls are hooked on Princess Sing Alongs, yikes!)  I did everyone's laundry.  Got books on CD from the library.  Mopped the floors, compiled a pretty nice snack box, including Younce classic trail mix (with Poppy's help.)

The girls in back had a bin between them that held fresh new notebooks, a bucket of colored pencils, clipboards, and a few books.  Also two Tupperware containers that doubled as both snack bowls and barf bowls, as the need may arise (sometimes we get carsick, but thankfully no occurrences this trip!)

To make the time, and activities, last, once we were on the road, we alternated - food, show, activity, quiet time/music.  With some pit stops thrown in, natch.  Naps were also encouraged. 

I guess I'm writing this because my preparation paid off.  We didn't get through everything I brought, which is great - save them for another trip or desperate day this summer.  But in case you're interested, I put all the things we've tried and liked in a list on Amazon (you know I love my lists.) 

As for me, I brought a huge stack of all my magazines that have been piling up - I didn't count but it must have been at least a dozen - and one by one worked my way through each, so at the end I was left with only this stack of articles and recipes to file, and thankfully a few new ideas for Dinner Swap!

So next time you go road trippin', celebrate!  With some preparation, patience, and threats as needed, it can be a big success!

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