
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Day of Preschool

OK we are really in full swing around here.  Ginger (finally) started preschool last week - here are her first day pics.  
(She is all about that belt - I don't get it, shiny pink buckle with rainbow hearts all around, I mean what is there for a 4-year-old to like?)

 And in case you were wondering, yes that's a pug on Poppy's shirt, with a pearl necklace and bow - thank you Walmart!!!

Speaking of Poppy, I haven't posted pics in awhile.  Here she was on Sunday.  A notably "Kari" outfit so I had to take some photos.  She is 17 months and quite the bug, extremely astute and following everything her sisters do. 


  1. could your girls be any cuter? I love the knee socks on Poppy!

  2. Love Poppy's shoes! Maddy had a similar pair that were pink and white and she's devestated that she can't wear them anymore. Where did you find those?

  3. Kelly,

    I assume you mean the Mary Janes, not the crocs? I actually got them at a thrift store when I was pregnant - I didn't even know if she was a girl but I couldn't pass them up. But the brand is called Puddle Jumpers - if you Google them you will find them lots of places. A website called Little Monkey Toes often has them (and other cute shoes) on sale. I got Hazel two pairs last year but they were too narrow - she has wide feet - luckily (like you), there are more girls coming up who can wear them.

  4. It feels like our kids are growing up at lightening speed! Go Ginger! Love their outfits, too. Liam now dresses himself, as in, he picks out his own clothes, often overlooking his best clothes for stranger ensembles. We have to give ourselves extra time in the morning for his wardrobe issues. Ugh!

  5. Oh my goodness! They are so cute! I can't believe how big they are all getting. Ginger in preschool? Crazy! How fun. Poppy is so big too. So glad to see that all is going so well. I miss you all so much!
