
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Art Tuesday: Bubble Prints

Among other things, summer is bubble season. And colorful. And a good time to make messes. So that was Art Tuesday this week.

No clever picture books. No famous artists. Just us. And soap, paint and straws.

Bubble Prints
What you need:
  • aluminum pie or cake pans
  • tempera paint
  • bubble solution (or make your own, see below)
  • scissors
  • straws
  • paper (printer, construction or watercolor)
  • newspapers
What to do:
1. Cover the work area with newspapers. This is a splattery project!

2. In each pan, combine 1 cup bubble solution and 1/2 cup tempera paint. Stir well. (To make homemade bubble solution, combine 3 cups water, 1 cup dish soap and 1/4 cup corn syrup.)
3. **SUPER HELPFUL TIP: Cut one or two small holes in the straws - this will still allow blowing but help avoid accidental "sipping"!

Stick one end of the straw in the paint solution. Gently blow until pan is just overflowing with bubbles. Some may pop in this step and splatter on the newspaper and kids' arms and faces.
4. Place paper over bubble pile and lower down, allowing the paint bubbles to pop against the paper.
You can do multiple pops and/or colors on each paper for a cool look.
These prints can make nice background "mattes" for photos in frames, or, laminated, cool placemats. I did a few prints on heavy watercolor paper and plan to frame them for more homemade art decor in our family room if I ever get the darn thing painted and rearranged. I've only been planning it for a year.

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