
Friday, June 03, 2011

Frosting for the Cause: Pistachio-Cardamom Cupcakes with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting

Look at me, I'm a guest blogger. Several months ago I signed up with "Frosting for the Cause" to write a post, donate my cupcakes, and donate $25 to cancer research. June 3 was my day, and now it's here. I'm super impressed with this project, and mastermind Paula's management of it. I hope you'll go over and check it all out. If for nothing else, my Pistachio-Cardamom Cupcakes with the BEST EVER Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting.

Also, I am fascinated by these Chocolate Cherry Coke Float Cupcakes. Can't wait to try them.


  1. Relieved to know that your mother is okay and that the test proved negative for the breast cancer gene mutation. What a scare.

  2. what a cool project. and so glad your mom is ok. i keep thinking i should take something over to my mom's radiation people. what a cool idea.

  3. After reading only the description I now have to wipe up the drool off my keyboard
