
Saturday, December 11, 2010

To Have the Fug

I just passed through the kitchen and found this note on the counter:I figured it's just another of the thousand papers laying around the house that Hazel has written or drawn on, and picked it up to throw it away.

But I couldn't. Because it was taped down. Taped to a goody plate some friends had brought us earlier today. Ed looked over and laughed at my confusion. "Hazel have the fug? Ginger to have the fug? What does that mean?" I asked him.

Earlier tonight, just after dinner, the girls asked if they could have something from the plate for dessert. We opened it up and I told them all their options. Ginger chose a peppermint taffy. Hazel had a chocolate cookie. And then they both said they wanted the only piece of fudge tomorrow. "Yeah, well, that's only if I don't eat it," I told them.

Hazel took it to heart. Later , she was clearing the table under Ed's direction and told him she had to go do something quickly. A few minutes later she came down from the office with this sign she had made, and asked Ed to tape it to the plate for her. Because she knows her Mom well. And because there is no messing around when it comes to "the fug."


  1. This is hilarious! I just took a picture of something Aaron wrote too. Don't you love that our kids are getting literate?

  2. HAHAHAHAHA! That is fantastic. Fug. I love it.

  3. so, wait - who's getting the fug? Are they splitting it? The only thing that's clear to me is that you ain't getting it.

  4. Yes, they're splitting it. What they don't know is that I'm making my own private batch after they go to bed.

  5. So funny!! She was guarding it from you!! :) I hope you enjoy your own batch!

  6. I love it! Absolutely adorable! I also LOVE your Christmas photo. Gorgeous!

  7. This is my favorite post ever!
