
Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Mommy Cards

What do you think? I figured with two kids starting new schools I might need some. I am still a bit self-conscious handing them out - they don't seem to have taken off around here - people just exchange numbers by punching them into iPhones. Just another way in which I am behind the times.

One woman ooh'ed over it and asked if I'm a designer! How I swelled for the split second before I had to admit, mumbling, "No, I just ordered them online..."


  1. Hurrah for not being 100% dependent on an iphone, and having style and elegant class when it comes to giving your phone number! One of the things I like about Jane Austen films etc. are the fact that calling cards are used, and they are brought in on silver platters by the butler -

    Having this cute design is as good as a silver platter:)

  2. Seriously, I agree. Be proud of them. And yes, you are a designer. Just not of these particular ones. I get oohs and aahs when I use mine, too. Stick with it. These are really pretty!

  3. i love your mommy cards. the green totally says kari. maybe i'll try and be social just to have a reason to have some groovy cards!

  4. Very cute and I think mommy cards are awesome. Everyone else is behind the times :)

  5. I need to update mine. I love yours!
