
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Already 4 Months

This is madness. How could she grow so fast? When, at her checkup, the doctor says things like "roll over", "solid foods", and "sitting up," I think NO NO NO. She is still a newborn! She is not - she cannot be - growing up! "Four shots" is not popular either, but when he says "sleeping through the night" it's okay. I like that one.
I have titled this age "Take-Aim-and-Grab (and-then-stuff-it-in-your-mouth)." Every day she becomes more adept at obtaining her target, which means that, among other things, the days of holding her on my lap at the table while I eat are numbered. But it also means she is just starting to hold a small toy and entertain herself with it for a few minutes. There is also some friendly pummel-and-claw action while she nurses, which is a great reminder to me to keep those nails trimmed! This girl is strong.She loves the morning walk to school - so entertaining to watch her sisters on their scooters and get some fresh air. Sometimes we also sit outside after dinner to blow bubbles and wait for Ed to come home. See how small she is?
But cute. So cute. At least one thing never changes.


  1. CUTE!! I LOVE the picture of her in the bumbo in front of the blue doors! She looks so tiny. And the last one is so adorable! What a cutie pie!

  2. no way is she four months old already!! That's crazy! She's absolutely darling. I keep reminding myself how quickly time will fly in hopes that I'll be prepared...but positive I won't be. :) You guys are such a cute family!

  3. Look at those chubby cheeks and thighs - I love them.

  4. wow, where's the time gone? I need to give her a squeezy hug soon. Adorable.

  5. by the way, does anyone ever call her by her prenatal nickname, or did that one disappear when she got a real name?

  6. She looks so much like Hazel at that age. I can imagine some red in her hair in the indoor lighting. Sorry about the shots but other than that it looks like she is enjoying her life there in the family. What a cutie pie! Each time I see her she has grown so much.

  7. What beautiful pictures you take, Kari. I know it helps to have a beautiful model, but still, you take marvelous pictures!

  8. Thanks guys. Now all I need is a proper camera. I'm ready to go Digital SLR. Working on that.

  9. She looks like a cheery soul. I can't wait to get our two little girls and all the others together! Her hair looks kind of red in the pictures. Is it?

  10. She has the most beautiful smile!

  11. Katy - no, not really red. Maybe a hint at sunset but I'm fed up with Ed not doing his part.

    Tona - sometimes I call her Spanky Bum Bum but Ginger, who coined the name, scolds me and recently told me, "If you call her that, it makes me spank her bum really hard and I don't want to hurt her!" So I guess I have to be careful. But with the new rolls and padding she has formed, it's hard not to squeeze and spank a little.
