
Friday, July 02, 2010

Tanzania 2010

My sister Tona, her husband Don, and their four kids have just gone to Tanzania for the summer. But it's not all safari and souvenirs for them. Don is an orthopaedic surgeon and will be working (volunteering) at the Kiliminjaro Christian Medical Center. Their oldest son, a newly certified EMT, will be shadowing Don at the hospital, and the rest of them (Tona and kids age 15, 13 and 10) will be looking for volunteer opportunities in the area as well.
They have done similiar service in Bhutan at least three times, but wanted this time to try a new place. Tona, a published historian, is writing a blog to document their experience there, and I invite you to follow along the adventure at Tanzania 2010. I recommend starting with this post: Whys and Wherefores. Then you can catch up chronologically or just pick up snippets.
The other night I caught the last 2/3 of Out of Africa (wow, were Meryl and Robert young!) Obviously I know it will not be like that where they are, but from the movies I've seen, books I've read, and people I've known that have been to, or are from, Africa, it confuses, amazes and fascinates me. I'm thrilled to have this little vicarious experience this summer while in my real life I can barely get three kids out, or back in, the house each day.


  1. Wow. How fascinating!

    Speaking of Africa, have you read the "Number 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" series yet? I'm reading the latest book (#11) right now and well, if you haven't read these yet, you should. They are so, so great. (And, don't fret, they're all quick reads.) And this summer would be the perfect time, what with the Africa theme and all. Anyway, I know you're a busy woman, but think about it.

  2. I read the first one a few years ago but never picked up the others - a great suggestion!
