
Friday, July 31, 2009

DM's Gift Guide: New Baby

This is probably the most "I'm-repeating-myself" post of the gift guide series, but that was awhile ago so I'm back at it. Seriously, someone's having a baby - and I know LOTS of people having babies - and I almost always go to one of these! Sometimes I mix it up by adding a DVD/toy for an older sibling or Babyproofing Your Marriage if I know them well enough to be frank. My spreadsheet newborn gift list is actually more than three times this long, but I rarely move beyond these few items. This is one topic I know a little about.

1. Zutano booties, size 0-6 mos, $15-20 - The fact is that tiny shoes and socks are super cute but what's the point when they don't stay on those flimsy little infant feet? I'm a Robeez fan but newborns' feet are like wet noodles and I can't even get a Robeez on a 0-6 month old, much less get it to stay. That's why I love, love, love these booties. With the soft cotton, double-snap elastic ankle, they're not going anywhere but they are also super cute and non-pinchy. (These are perfect for new babies; the bottoms are not grippy so as soon as they are pulling up to stand it's time to move on.)

2. The Baby Book, $14 + The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD, $20 - My absolute top two best baby references, these have answered almost every problem or question I've had with new babies. I like to give one or both of these especially to first-time parents.

3. Miracle Blanket, $30 - If you're a swaddler, and I swear by it, this is the best blanket I've found. A huge square blanket is great if you've got a tight technique down but for those that don't, this baby does it for you. Worth every penny, and if it's for yourself and not a gift, there are always used ones on Ebay - save a buck and just wash them well.

4. Ugly Doll, $10 - Uh-dorable, funny, modern twist on dolls and stuffed animals. Who says a lovey has to have two eyes?
5. Food Smock, $35 - Most of you know my friend Corey makes these. I was present for the idea-to-business process; I LOVE this product! Genius and cool, these have got you covered during that super messy learning-to-eat-by-oneself stage, and the blooming artist stage that comes next. Free shipping code: DISCO MOM.
6. Swallow or other Flensted mobile, $26-38 - We've had a couple of dumb mobiles in our parenthood so far, but if we have another baby I'm upgrading to one of these! Who wouldn't love to watch a train or flock of swallows soaring above?
7. Any toy by Haba or Kathe Kruse - Simple, classy and fun for little ones. Hard to go wrong with one of these.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kathe Kruse and Haba!! And also the Paris based company, Djeco.

    I also swear by swaddling and those blankets are a life saver when your baby has figured out how to maneuver her way out of a receiving blanket. It was number one on my registry!
