
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where's Kari?

For those of you still checking my blog, hi there. How are you? Where have I been? At the gym, mostly. Or going to bed early so I can get up early to go to the gym. Or working on the family cookbook I started almost 9 months ago and hoped to finish by Christmas. Or trying new recipes.

Today at the gym I did the math in my head that I knew was there but I never quantified before. I want to have another baby before I'm 35, or close to it. I want to lose a ton of weight and get into a healthy range before becoming pregnant again. So I'm literally in a race against the calendar, eating salads and shredded wheat and running/walking/biking/lifting/ellipticizing my butt (and other areas) off.

But I'm still here. Maybe not as often. Probably not as interesting. But I still have a few things to show and tell, and something special up my sleeve for December posts, so do stay tuned.

And I'm DVRing Top Chef tonight, but it's not really as fun to dish on it since I can't judge the contestants' work by tasting it. But it is good entertainment...and I do love cooking.


  1. Glad to hear you're busy and, from the sound of things, happy. Good luck with your goals and your "race against the calendar." :)

  2. You go! I did the fitness push before my pregnancy with Hank and I'm really glad I got back in shape before getting pregnant again. I was healthy and strong when I started my pregnancy and because of my fitness skills it was easy to get right back into it after about 6 weeks post pardum. They'll be time for blogging once you are pregnant and low on energy.

  3. You go girl!

    I love Top Chef, and if we could watch it here, I would be waiting for posts from you on it religiously. Their creativity with food is mostly inspiring, sometimes gross. And I love that it makes me want to cook. More importantly, it makes Dave want to outdo the cooks on TopChef, and THAT is great.

  4. T agree, You go!! I spent a lot of time and effort getting healthy before this pregnancy as well. It has paid off big time in about a million different ways. Good luck hitting your goals, but even if you don't get all the way there (which I didn't) any strides you make will make a difference.

  5. i'm impressed and jealous at that nice negative number on the right. you almost inspire me to get off my butt. :)

    and thanks for reminding me to set my dvr for top chef!

  6. Wow you are amazing - I need to get into shape again too. Good luck on all your goals. I know you will get there.
