There are few yards in my neighborhood, or NYC at large, so people take their dogs out on sidewalks and parks to do their business. Most clean it up but some don't, and it adds up. As soon as Hazel started walking I had to go on high poop alert and even then we'd come home at least once a week with one or both of us requiring some shoe cleaning. Once I just threw Hazel's shoes away because I couldn't get rid of the smell. I can't tell you how mad it makes me, especially when it's smack dab in the middle of the sidewalk by my car and I take one step back from strapping my kid in the car seat and land in something squishy, and now I have to deal with that when all I wanted to do was go on my monthly escape to Target. Or when I come home from the grocery store to find it all over my pants, my shoes and my car - I must have stepped in it at some point and not realized until too late. Spring is the worst, when all the doody from the last year that had been frozen all winter starts to thaw on the sidewalks and once again I find myself playing Frogger with the stroller.
I've only been pooped on by pigeons twice, which is not too bad for three years. I've heard some good pigeon poop stories, but I'll spare you. Both times for me were standing around under trees at the park. Once was on my shoulder; I was so grossed out I threw the shirt away. The other time I only got some splatter; the majority landed on the stroller sunshade and my bagel that was on it. It's just disgusting and annoying.
oh man. this post really resonates with me. i have similar sentiments about dog poop. but what bothers me more than the excrement are THE PEOPLE who don't bother to pick up after their dogs. it's a big problem in london. you know what else is a big problem? fox excrement. there are wild foxes running all over the gardens and parks of london. didn't expect to find that here...