New York has
great tap water - no weird flavors or funny aftertaste. It's piped in from reservoirs more than 100 miles away upstate. I have a Brita pitcher in my fridge but the filter is truly unnecessary, which is good because I often forget to refill it so I drink straight tap water most of the time.
Virginia has horrendously
chlorinated nastiness coming out of the tap. Not to mention
traces of medicines,
lead, and who knows what else. It tastes like a swimming pool. Carbon filters do help with this, but now (or in 4 weeks) may be a good time to look into that
home water cooler I've always wanted.
Even though we have well water, we seriously love our water cooler... Plus we get it fluoridated to help the little one's teeth...
ReplyDeleteI have thought about getting the cooler for the fluoridation. Some Nevadans think that putting fluoride in the water is some sort of government plan to gain control of your mind, so all our kids take fluoride drops and pills. The local water authority just did testing for all those great thinks like antibiotics, and other medicines. The results are supposed to come out this week. I am afraid ... very afraid.
ReplyDeletethe rog put in a filtration system under the sink - little spout on the top. i thought he was going a little overboard at first but it is totally handy. and doesn't take up any extra space in the kitchen!
ReplyDeletei'm sure the whole job only took 5 minutes. :)
Hi. When you're ready to dispose of that BRITA filter, please consider sending it to the Take Back The Filter campaign (http://www.takebackthefilter.org!
ReplyDeleteDid you know that BRITA filters are recyclable in Europe but not in the U.S.? That's because the North American branch of the company is owned by Clorox. That's right, Clorox. And they have not created a way to recycle the filters, even though the technology exists in Europe.
Please visit our site to sign the petition, and then send us your used filter, which we are collecting for a direct action at the Clorox Company headquarters in Oakland, CA. We do have one campaign organizer in New York City. Her contact info is in the "About Us" section. She might be able to collect it from you so you don't have to mail it.
Our water is pretty blech too. I have a filter on our refrigerator water dispenser, but I am not sure is does much good. I love the idea of a water cooler.