
Friday, April 18, 2008

Sharing the Love

This is like a melding of the Genius on Accident post and DM Takes on Moving series - too good to not point out. On Tuesday my friend Lindsay came over with her 9-month old son Garrett to offer moral support and manual labor as I cleaned out Hazel's closet and did some major sorting and purging of our kid clothes and baby things. She is also our Ward Nursery Leader so, along with the toys she picked up, I offered her a bag of crafty stuff I'd collected from cleaning out the office and craft supplies on Monday. (I'm on a cleaning-out rampage!)

After lunch she went home and about her business. In the craft bag was a pack of scratch-and-sniff smiley stickers, and on Wednesday, for whatever reason, she opened them and stuck one on Garrett's hand to see what would happen. Please go here to see the adorable accidental genius that followed. She said it kept him interested and occupied all day.

And by the way, the tongs thing worked tonight with steamed green beans! Hazel actually ate more of them than I did - at least 5 tong-servings - and even exclaimed, "These are really tasty!" Genius.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! I saw your post on Kat's about the "boob shirt" -Thought I'd say Hi! And seriously, they should make those things a little taller on top!!

    Anyway, see now I'm not considered a lurker, because I said hello. Funny who you stumble on after all these years! Hope you and Ed are doing well!
