
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Gone Fishin'

In July Eddie went on a great male bonding fishing expedition in Saskatchewan, Canada, with his dad, three brothers, and some other guys. Since both Jenny and Shanda, the other Hickmans-by-marriage, gave it a blurb on their blogs, figured I could do the same.
Here's how it worked: everybody drove, flew or a combination to meet up in Regina, Sask., then all drove up together to La Ronge (halfway up, in the middle, by the lakes) and flew out of a little town called Missinipe in a puddle jumper, courtesy of Reindeer River Camp. They landed on a lake and pseudo-camped for a week, fishing all day every day. For those who care (anyone?) the fish there are Walleye and Northern Pike, and it's reel fishing from a boat (not fly fishing.)Heck of a vacation. They did catch a ton of fish, but with the long hours and all the cleaning/gutting and other camp work, not to mention sunburn despite precautions, it was exhausting in a satisfying way. Ed was out of blackberry range, which was a great blessing for him, and his mind was completely off work the whole time, so we couldn't ask for much more. Well, except to be together, but you can't have everything.

1 comment:

  1. Go, Ed! That looks like quite a fishing trip, and you look pretty relaxed.
